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Grow up in a Summer /2019

This is about a father and a son,

Food Piece for Dick Higgins/2020

Food as our daily supply, why should food be so closely integrated with industry? Has our essential pursuit of food been lost? Do we really love sugars? Do we really love these carbohydrates and industrial products? Is it welcome or rejection in our subconscious mind?

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Neo-Flood Myth/2020

The Great Flood has been recorded in various primitive cultures. Has the Great Flood really happened? Is the Great Flood related to the destiny of the entire human race? Can we find gods and pray for their help? Are there any memories hidden in our subconscious mind? Is Everything in My Life Already Destined?


We have only five senses, and we only have these five ways of perceiving the world. Why do we confirm whether our world is real through only five perceptions? Our world is full of chaos. Our wisdom is drawn through self-awareness, but what is it that shapes our self-awareness? Is it our memory or the body as a container of consciousness? If all five senses are lost, will we continue to have memories?

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Take Care,/2021

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